Temu Vitalis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Research
Phone: (804) 524-6717 Fax: (804) 524-5186
Location: 238 M.T. Carter Bldg
Email: vtemu@vsu.edu
Ph.D. (2011) - Mississippi State University, USA. (Agronomy)
M.S. (2001) - Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (Agriculture - Animal Science)
B.S. (1997) - Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (Animal Science)
Assoc. Degree (1990) – Livestock Training Institute – Morogoro, Tanzania (Range Management)
Research and Teaching Interests
Ecological pasture management in agricultural landscapes
Sustainable forage-based ruminant production
Integrated forage-based parasites control in small ruminants
Ecological plant-soil-animal interactions in grazing lands
Non-conventional feed resources for small ruminant production
Competitive Grants
Exploring stinging nettle-alfalfa mixed stands as ecofriendly resources for bioactive parasite control in climate-smart small ruminant production. (PI, USDA-NIFA – $299,792).
Expanding the Participation of Marginal Producers in Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Practices: 1890 Agroforestry Consortium. (Sub Award PI, USDA-NRCS – $1,152,000)
Free-range poultry and grain teff (Eragrostis tef) production (PI, USDA-NIFA – $299,052).
Azomite trace minerals for better alfalfa production (PI, Azomite Mineral Products Inc. - $56,908).
Feasibility study on grain teff in Southwest Virginia (PI, VDACS - VAC -$34,918).
Capacity and infrastructure for hops (Humulus lupulus) research in the mid-Atlantic (Co-PI, USDA-NIFA - $505,000).
Characterization of Traits for Vegetable and Specialty Soybeans (Co-PI, USDA-NIFA - $416,246).
Selected Publications
Temu, V.W., Rutto, L.K., and Kering, M.K. (2022). Compensatory Yield Responses of Young Native Warm-Season Grass Stands to Seasonal Changes in Harvest Frequencies. Agronomy, 12(11), 2761. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112761
Kering, M.K., Rahemi, A., Temu, V.W., and Rutto L. (2022). Production and bioethanol potentials of seven dryland-developed grain sorghum cultivars in the relatively moist Mid-Atlantic region. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 53.892-901. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2022.2034845.
Kusi, N.Y.O., Temu, V.W., Kering, M.K., Atalay, A., Rutto, L.K., and Solomon, J.K.Q. (2021) Growth response of alfalfa to Azomite composite micronutrient fertilizer on four lime-amended Virginia soils. Grassl. Sci. 2020;00:1–9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/grs.12309
Rahemi, A., Dhakal, R., Temu, V.W., Rutto, L., and Kering, M.K. 2021. Performance of different-use type industrial hemp cultivars under Mid-Atlantic region conditions. Agronomy. 11:1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11112321
Temu, V. W., Hession, W. C., Sforza, P., & Wang, H. (2021, October 25-29). Enhanced Grazing Management Assessment Using Drone-Based Lidar Measurements. The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland Congress. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4 l 64&context=igc.
Rutto, L.K., V.W. Temu, G. Ferreira, and M.K. Kering (2020). Nutritive Value and in vitro Digestibility of Non-cone Hop (Humulus lupulusl.) Biomass. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 30(4): 2020, Page:794-802. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/FullTextPDF/2020/20203415590.pdf
Temu, V., Galanopoulos, C., Kering, M. and Rutto, L. (2018). Early Forage Biomass and Sward Structures of Native Warm-Season Grasses Established at Different Seedling Densities. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 9, 832-844. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2018.94064.
Kering, M., Temu, V. and Rutto, L. (2017). Nitrogen Fertilizer and Panicle Removal in Sweet Sorghum Production: Effect on Biomass, Juice Yield and Soluble Sugar Content. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 7, 14-26. doi: 10.4236/jsbs.2017.71002.
Atiba, E.M., Temu, V.W., Lado, M.M., and Sayre, B. (2016). Meat Quality Characteristics of Goat (Capra hircus) artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus and fed high and low protein diets. Science Letters Vol. 4(3) p203-209. http://thesciencepublishers.com/science_letters/files/v4i3-9-2016067-SL.pdf
Atiba, E.M., Sayre, B., and Temu, V.W. (2016). Effects of dietary protein supplementation on the performance and non-carcass components of goats artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus. Science Letters Vol. 4(2) p124-130 http://thesciencepublishers.com/science_letters/files/4-v4i2-2016047-SL.pdf
Temu, V.W., Johnson, D., and Kering, M. (2016). Effects of root-trimming and cutting heights on growth performance of potted forage native warm-season grasses. Journal of Plant Studies, 5(2) p22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jps.v5n2p22
Temu, V.W., Kering, M., and Rutto, L. (2016). Effects of planting method on enhanced stand establishment and subsequent performance of forage native warm-season grasses. Journal of Plant Studies, 5(1), p38. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jps.v5n1p38
Temu, V.W.; Baldwin, B.S.; Reddy, K. R.; and Riffell, S. K. (2015). Harvesting effects on species composition and distribution of cover attributes in mixed native warm-season grass stands. Environments 2, no. 2: 167-185. doi:10.3390/environments2020167
Temu, V.W.; Baldwin, B.S.; Reddy, K.R.; Riffell, S.; and Burger, L. W. (2014). Wildlife habitat quality (sward structure and ground cover) response of mixed native warm-season grasses to harvesting. Environments 1, no. 1: 75-91. doi:10.3390/environments1010075
Temu, V.W.; Rude, B.J.; and Baldwin, B.S. (2014). Nutritive value response of native warm-season forage grasses to harvest intervals and durations in mixed stands. Plants 3, no. 2: 266-283.
Temu, V.W.; B.J. Rude, and B.S. Baldwin, (2014). Yield response of native warm-season forage grasses to harvest intervals and durations in mixed stands. Agronomy, 4, 90-107.doi:10.3390/agronomy4010090